Here's my demographics for your movie
Graphics: 10 (looks like you put a lot of effort into it)
Style: 10 (very original)
Sound: 7 (the guns look the same but sounded diffrent, and some voices were lowerso i had to turn up the vol. and then the next voice was super loud and you get the pic...)
Violence: 10 (when there's a gunfight there will always be a 10 for violence)
Interactivity: 3 (even though it was a movie you managed to get some buttons in there besides the play button.)
Humor: 0 (obviously there wouldn't be any in a serious movie, but a good comic relief is always required. Maybe you could ad one in the next part.)
Overall: 10 ( very good movie even if it's just the first half. It kept me waiting to see what happens next.)
good job!